Tuesday, January 05, 2010

looking back...

truly been crazily hectic(?)

last few days of '09 been quite madness
first few day of '10 been quite erm, not so enjoyable

5nights of football + staying over with ken in cc + football at mark's place + online watching football
wow, football much.
This says it all

quite alot of food and drink involved..

Sien of spagetti after eating it for every meal for 3days...

Krystin!! bring chocs back from aus PLEASE (:
thank you <3
Sample chocs from my uncle who works in Cadbury
Peppermint chocs! my fav!

part of growing up
knowing you have to bring something to people's place when invited over.
so i brought/bought this!
(top) just random donuts i though they would like
(bottom) after 5mins!!

'10 eve, went to DUMC for watchnight celebration
checked my opponent for the tournament.
Kok Pong -.-"
gg.com.my / nohope.org!
mostly slept durin New Year, i know, cool right?
2nd day of the year
got trashed in the courts, hurt myself (dont know why i even try so hard):
best part of the day : i started the game, *serves*, serve is good..over the net.. BAMMM!!!
all my friend who was watching including me O_O" .no hope d...
lost 21-7, 21-6
KL Champ, Kedah Open Gold Medallist -.-"
what lucky draw i had!

Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!

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